Knight School

for the Theory Of Piratical Mayhem
( and other stuff )

Headmaster: Mr Safebet

Deputy Headmaster:
Headmaster Emeritus:

Message from the Headmaster

Welcome to the Knight School for the Theory of Piratical Mayhem. Our school is extremely proud of our expert albeit belligerent Staff. Most members have come up through the ranks, having learnt from years of experience as simple pirates and junior officers. They have spent their lives traversing the open seas and have acquired solid skills along with their commitment to the life of pirate.

I know that each and everyone one of you will find a place for yourself on our campus, be it learning to face Brigand Kings in a daring seabattle or discovering the pleasure to be had in a bottle of rum while cheating on your mates at poker.

Department of Crafting Puzzles - Department Head:

Professor of Alchemistry:
Professor of Distilling:
Professor of Shipwrightery:
Professor of Blacksmithing:

Crafting Puzzle Syllabus

Alchemistry 101 - Colours
Students will learn to recognize the basic colours: red, yellow and blue.

Alchemistry 201 - Advanced Colours

Students are introduced to the more complex notions of purple, green and orange.
Course requirements: Alchemistry 101

Shipwrightery 101 – Pieces

Students will learn to recognize the various pieces used in the puzzle.
Shipwrightery 201 - Movement

Students will learn the difference between horizontal, vertical and diagonal movements.
Course requirements: Shipwrightery 101
Distilling 101 - Basic Drinking

Students will learn to recognize the difference between Swill and Grog.

Distilling 201 - Advanced Drinking
Students are introduced to Fine Rum acquiring a proper appreciation of the drink. This course is for Officers and above only.
Course Requirements
: Distilling 101

Ironmongery 101 - Basic Blacksmithing
Students will learn to handle the basic tools of blacksmithing: hammer and tong. Emphasis is given to acquiring the ability to correctly aim with the hammer. Students will also learn how not to poke themselves in the eyes with the tongs.

Ironmongery 201 - Iron

Department of Duty Puzzles - Department Head:

Professor of Bilging:
Professor of Carpentry:
Professor of Sailing:
Professor of Gunning:
Professor of Duty Navigation:
Professor of Battle Navigation:

Duty Puzzle Syllabus

Bilging 101 - Basic Bilging
Students are introduced to the basic shapes circles and squares

Bilging 102 - Movement
Students are introduced to horizontal and vertical movement
Course requirements: Bilging 101 or Shipwrightery 201

Bilging 201 - Advanced Bilging
The importance of crabs and fish is presented to the students.
Course requirements: Bilging 102 and a strong stomach
Bilging 202 - Even More Advanced Bilging
New shapes are introduced to the more adventurous student.

Course requirements: Bilging 201
Carpentry 101 - Introductory Carpentry
Students will learn to recognize the small but vital difference between their thumb and a nail.

Carpentry 201- The Start of the Tool Age
Students will learn the purpose of a hammer and which end to hold
Course requirements: Carpentry 101
Carpentry 202 - Evolution of the Tool Age
Students will learn when, where, how or even if to use the correct carpentry tools.

Course requirements: Carpentry 201
Carpentry 301 - Woodwork Theorems
Students will develop advanced techniques, such as flipping and rotating, to better repair
Course requirements: Carpentry 202
Carpentry Honours - Kade Repair
Graduate carpenters will move on to learn about the use of symbology in their work.

Course requirements: Carpentry 301

Gunnery 101 - Theory - What is a cannon?
Students will learn to recognize a cannon and discuss it's various uses
Gunnery 102 - Practical - The open end
In this course, students will be allowed to examine a real cannon.
Course requirements: Gunnery 101 and Medical Insurance

Department of Mayhem - Department Head:
(Advanced Officer Studies)

Professor of Mayhem:
Professor of Discombobulation:

Mayhem and Discombobulation Syllabus

Mayhem 101 - How to plank insubordinate jobbers
The fine art of planking is introduced. The size and shape of the plank as well as which type of wood to use for the most flexibility are all aspects which will be discussed.
Mayhem 102 - How and When to use the boatswain whistle

Students will learn to differentiate between an ordinary whistle and that of the boatswain.

Discombobulation 101 -How to give contradictory orders
The vital difference between sensible reasoned orders and non is presented. Students are introduced to the basic notions of pandemonium and complete anarchy.
Course requirements: Mayhem 101 and 102

Discombobulation 201 - How to sink yer own ship
Students will learn the difficult but satisfying task of sinking a ship. While there may be those who think it nothing at all, the sinking of one's own ship with finesse requires years of study.
Warning: Please be advised that this course is not for the faint of heart.

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