The Sacred Military Order of Saint George traces its legendary origins to an apocryphal order founded by an ancient Emperor. The Order has a hereditary Grand Mastership which belonged to a noble family of Sage. By the beginning of the 21st century the noble house had dwindled to one surviving childless male heir and thus it became necessary to find a solution to the succession to the Grand Magistery.
Its incorporation as a hereditary chivalric order in Pishkirlin's House dates from 2007. His Excellency the Admiral Pishkirlin, at that time Ambassador of Fratelli della Costa, was already pressing the Royalty of Fearless Privateers to assist his family in acquiring the title and formal discussions had certainly begun by the end of 2006. The final negotiations between the last Grand Master of that family and Admiral Pishkirlin led to cession of the Grand Magistery in 2007. The cession to Pishkirlin's family was recognized by a patent of Elkbrains, King of Fearless Privateers, of March 27, 2007. On 23 April 2007, day of Saint George, Pishkirlin officially assumed the rank of Captain of the The Knights of Saint George, a naval force dedicated to chivalry, and vowed to take it even to the furthest reaches of the globe.

See also: Cession of the Grand Magistery of the Sacred Military Order of Saint George

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